Graham Tucker

Project Manager / WordPresser / Designer

Need a Hand?


Thank you for your time and consideration - I appreciate it greatly. I'm currently looking for a role in project management, either remotely or locally in Cherokee County. I'd be a great fit with a team that could use help setting up standard operation procedures, team training and communications, or as a marketing project manager. I use software, web development, and automation to streamline communications, tasks, and processes. I would love to know more about your requirements for the position you want to fill, and I look forward to speaking with you. Please feel free to call anytime or email me:



CoffeeAM >

Project Manager, Marketing / Nov 2022 - Present

Leading a team of four and responsible for daily marketing efforts, I coordinated and helped create weekly promotions for four websites. I also used multiple programs to produce emails and relayed the results to the president of the company. My team also collaborated with outside stakeholders to refine the brand of the company and social media efforts

Woodard Events >

Project Manager, Marketing / Dec 2015 - Nov 2022

I directed and supported a team with animation and video materials for promotional purposes, workedwithdesigners on graphics for both web and print, and built a handful of dynamic sites using WordPress andHubSpot. We created instructional videos on how to use features in WordPress, HubSpot, and other programs. My team negotiated better prices for web hosting which in turn saved the company roughly $325 a month.

Inward Solutions >

Web Developer, Marketing / Apr 2015 - Dec 2015

I was responsible for designing and customizing WordPress themes. I also set up client hosting and domainsupport, edited and created print work, and spoke with clients about edits for projects.

Stoneridge Group >

Web Developer, Marketing / Jul 2013 - Mar 2015

I coded framework with HTML5, CSS3 and edited WordPress themes. I used multiple programs daily togeneratefluid and mobile-friendly sites at a very fast pace. Working with other developers and designers I deliveredfullycustomized WordPress sites and processed responsive email campaigns

Some of my desgin and layout work. Some is original and some is collaborative.

Project Management

After working in web design and development for over 15 years, I took a step toward management and the direction I wanted my career to go. I was inspired by some of the stories from other developers in the WordPress community and decided to enroll in a project management class. The course, offered by Google and Coursera helped me understand the unique responsibilities and details needed for not only the project life cycle, but also techniques and strategies for teamwork, project agility, scope, risk management, and conflict resolution. The experience I have with leading has changed from when I was in the military and now working with team members who are not enlisted.



On September 15, 1997, I swore an oath and joined the United States Marines. For 5 years, I served with Sailors, Soldiers, and Airmen in the intelligence community. After 1 year of learning code, signals propagation, and encryption I joined the fleet. During my tenure I was trained that knowledge is power and giving up is not an option.

That still holds true after 25 years.

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  • 1997

    > Graduated Basic and SOI

  • 1998

    > Learned morse code and radio wave propagation / Ft. Huachuca, AZ
    > Learned encryption and graduated primary MOS / 2621, Corey Station, FL
    > Received letter of commendation from Navy at Corey Station
    > Reported to Company I, Support Battalion, Kunia, HI

  • 1999

    > Continued supporting intelligence community through collections at Kunia
    > Completed Corporal's Course (non-commisioned officer training)

  • 2000

    > Received Good Conduct Medal
    > Requested and received orders to Radio Battalion, MCB Kaneohe Bay, HI
    > Joined Mobile Electionic Wars Systems (MEWS) Platoon
    > Supported desert training at 1 MEF, Camp Pendelton, CA

  • 2001

    > Requalified Rifle Expert
    > Learned and graduated secondary MOS / LAV Crewman 0313, Camp Pendelton, CA

  • 2002

    > TDY to support Radio Battalion with trainig fleet rediness, Camp Pendelton, CA
    > Honorably dischared, September 15, 2002