
Simply, this is it. You will see that the navigation at the top of your site, similar to mine on, but without the logo in the uppoer left corner.

This theme can be used to duplicate templates and build on top of bootstrap. You can also dump that idea and enable Gutenberg if you'd like - functions.php line 186.

P-tag and H1 centered with 'algn-cntr' and 'txt-wht' classes. The fun starts on line 1024 of style.css

This is a "have fun at your own expense / do not use in production / Graham will help if he can" theme built from a few sources.

Getting Started

So, you'll want to click the download button to pull down the package. It's a zip file - it's ok to download.

Download Altimeter

Once you've put it in a safe place, remember where it is and launch a WordPress site. WordPress sites can be hosted on a number of platforms: AWS, GoDaddy, BlueHost or something else. When you have the site up and running and the domain is both, SSL protected and pointed to the hosted website, you'll simply follow these steps:

  • Go to your site's dashboard. Then go to --> Appearance --> Themes.
  • Look for and click the "Add New Theme" button. Then click the "Upload Theme" button that appears. Finally click the "Choose File" button.
  • Remember the "safe place" mentioned above. That's where you'll select the zipped file. Select it and upload it by clicking "Install."
  • You've successfully uploaded the theme - good job! Now you can activate it from --> Dashboard --> Appearance --> Themes.
  • Before even checking what it does, go --> Dashboard --> Pages and either use an existing page or create a new page.
  • When you create (or click into a existing page) you will be brought to the page editor. Look on the right hand side. If Gutenberg is disabled (it is by default with this theme) you should see a "Page Attributes" panel on the right hand side of the browser. Inside of that, there should be a drop down labeled "Templates" - choose "Page Template Example."
  • NOW you can publish (or update) the page and view a marked up version of this page.

Altimeter was conceved using Underscores as well as the navigation from the WordPress 2016. It also uses open and copywrite released graphics which can be found on pexels, pixabay, and wikimedia. I used a numebr of open source softwares to make the videos and tweak photography - more on that here.

This section is using a wrap class: '.pgwidth' which has max-width of 1200px and is centered by '0 auto' margins.

Below are some examples of what you can do with bootstrap. Bootstrap (I promise I tested this) will work straight out of the box.

Side by Side Example

The image in the background is positioned in to be centered horizontally and verticall. It is also stretched using the bg-position: cover property and padded top and bottom. The image to the side will drop below on resize / mobile.

Learn More >

Your Posts Below

If you have posts/articles/blog on your WordPress site, they will appear direcly below this text. Edit the column (col-lg-3, col-lg-2, or col-lg-4) to expand the number of posts displayed. See WordPress theme handbook for more information about the loop.


A massive blue watermark on top of white with black text. The text reads 'we don't make software for free. We make it for freedom.' WordPress is open software.

A month ago, I opened Altimeter. I did so with no expectation or reason to believe it would be successful, but rather it would be available to anyone who wanted it. Sure, the deal is someone would have to supply their email. But whoever wants it, can get a solid (if not perfect but unusual) […]

Dev Fest

Dark Blue, Light Blue, and Light Green background with large text. Most of the text is cropped out. A layout of the Dev Fest landing page.

So there are Dev Fests everywhere and you can join them for the low price of $50 for most. When I went to register for the event it took 10% for an unknown reason (could be the sale or it could be because I’m in a GDG?) which I may never learn. However, if you’re […]

No Code Required

A dark grey background with programming code in bright colored text - text in foreground reads 'no code required'

I’m seeing more and more of the bullet point (or even primary sales pitch) for no code required or no code needed. Do it yourself (DIY) is a thing. A lot of us want the independence and freedom to do things without people involved or in software engineering – no code involved/required. I remember when […]

Upside: Centered Vertically

A grey / blue geometric background with 3 aqua green boxes with text which states 'css vertical aligned' Green - blue gradiant border.

Have you ever been deep in the CSS and wanted to have an element (paragraph, divs, etc.) aligned vertically? I have. Maybe you haven’t, but my front end folks are nodding their heads and making sad developer noises. Maybe you already knew or you have a hack for this, but it’s still great news. All […]

Replace this with a real footer. Include your contact info, map, social, or what ever you'd like. Good luck - look me up if you have questions.

- Graham

The above logo will be replaced with whatever you delcare in WordPress (Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> Site Idnetity) instead of my logo.

Replace with something (or just delete this whole column and go with only 2) else.

Do something with social here. Icons from Bootstrap maybe...

© <swap out this txt for the year your company started> - Your Company