Upside: Centered Vertically
Have you ever been deep in the CSS and wanted to have an element (paragraph, divs, etc.) aligned vertically? I have. Maybe you haven’t, but my front end folks are nodding their heads and making sad developer noises. Maybe you already knew or you have a hack for this, but it’s still great news. All […]
It was time to dance my fingers on the ol’ keyboard and update Altimeter, being it’s original launch was in 2019. I love the idea of making money and charging folks for using my code, but giving it away is more my style. Money can be made farther down the road offering something else. This […]
Upside: AI Used to Reduce Traffic
In January, Google unveiled a good use for AI and it just makes sense – less traffic. We already have engineers that can measure the time required at intersections and then adjust the time of traffic flow, but now “Operation Green Light” can leverage the traffic patterns from Google’s advanced maps to offer suggestions. City […]