Category: business

Google Investing in Cloud Tech
According to several sources (WSJ, CNN), Google is considering investing in cloud tech by purchasing a cloud-based tech security startup called Wiz. It will be (speculative) the largest acquisition for Alphabet (Google) which would be almost double what it paid for the acquisition of Motorola which was 12.5 billion. The price on the table is […]

Upside: Carbon Emissions Decline
At the end of 2023, carbon emissions were (slowing) falling in the U.S. while the economy continued to rebound from 2020 and the pandemic. The coal consumption has been cut, even if it isn’t where global expectations are for the U.S., a reduction is a reduction. The decrease is not expected to fall drastically this […]

Upside – Solar Uptick
2023 reported a decrease in price for solar panel production. Europe and China are invested and buying more as they become available according to Bloomberg. Solar is increasing in terms of installing panels and it goes without saying; a much cleaner option than burning coal. It is also a safer alternative to nuclear power, which […]