
This article was buried in 2023. I’m publishing it 8 months later. 

The site’s been redesigned and stripped of Gutenberg. Graham went to @wordcampatl and did his thing. Chat GPT blew up since the last post. A lot has happened since this site’s been updated – in fact it’s been two years and there was a lot juggle.

Why strip Gutenberg? It’s not entirely gone. I could always turn it back on and go back to using it for customers, just not this site. Speaking of sites, I built a social network. Yes, a full fledged, sign up, build-a-profile, comment, group, and post site that worked. There were hurdles and it was amazing but there wasn’t any interest.

First to market didn’t go to facebook, but facebook sure perfected it. Twitter did too and after that, there just isn’t any room for another. The purpose wasn’t to succeed at having a network that would compete with giants, but rather get it off the ground.

Another project that is ongoing, is CoffeeAM. There are some very old sites that are using Turbify (just bought from Yahoo) as an eCommerce platform, which frankly, is horrible. The processes needed to run Turbify sites is torture so I am converting one (of 3) sites to get that site to a better place – in Shopify. <update>lol, I’ve been told by people that all three sites should be updated at the same time. Wow.</update>

It will take a very long time as there are over two thousand products / variations. The redesign for that site is easy as the color scheme is already in place and there are plenty of existing graphics. The long time is needed for product creation and product images.

And that’s it for now. I’ll make an effort to keep this going like it was in 2019. The old articles have been removed as part of the redesign. Something worth salvaging though…

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